Updating educational programs in the field of cyber security according to new professional standards: experience and plans

29.11.2023 08:17

In Ukraine, work continues on improving the personnel training system and strengthening personnel potential in the field of information and cyber security. The reform envisages, in particular, the development and implementation of new professional standards taking into account the best international experience. The new professional standards are important both for employers and for educational institutions, which can adapt their educational and professional programs accordingly.

How exactly does this happen? What has already been implemented and what are your plans for the future? These and other issues were discussed on October 26 during the round table "Presentation of updated educational programs on cyber security", which was organized by specialists of the USAID Project "Cyber security of critical infrastructure of Ukraine". The event was attended by representatives of the State Special Service, who work on the development of professional standards, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Digital, higher education institutions, etc.

Oleksandr Potii, Deputy Head of the State Special Forces, thanked the American people and the USAID Project for their support and cooperation. He also spoke about the ecosystem of professional standardization, the role of the State Special Communications Service in it, and reminded that in 2022, the first six new professional standards in the field of cyber security were developed, approved and entered into the Register of Qualifications in Ukraine. These are "Developer of information protection systems", "Network and systems administrator", "Specialist in the field of information protection", "Security analyst of information and telecommunication systems", "Security specialist (information and communication technologies)", "Instructor-methodologist in information security and cyber security". In 2023, projects for 15 new professional standards have been developed and will soon be approved.

"Even during training, it is important to take into account today's challenges facing us in cyberspace, as well as the current needs of the market. Information and cyber security professionals must have the appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities to effectively counter threats and provide robust cyber protection. And the new professional standards are designed to help with this," emphasized Oleksandr Potii. He noted that the main work on the development of basic professional standards is almost finished. Next, we will add several standards per year.

Oleksandr Potii also shared his plans for further steps to strengthen personnel potential in the field of cyber security. Among them is the construction of a professional labor market, the formation of a personnel reserve, the introduction of necessary changes to job instructions and criteria for evaluating specialists in the public sector, and others - all so that our cyberspace and information and communication systems are protected by professionals.

It should be noted that educational institutions have already begun to update educational and professional programs in accordance with modern requirements, as well as in accordance with new professional standards. In particular, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Mariupol State University, Kharkiv National University of Electronics, etc. already have such experience. Representatives of these institutions talked about their experience during the round table.

This work will continue next year. The introduction of new professional standards will contribute to the improvement of the quality of training of professional personnel in the field of cyber security and information protection.

We will remind, also within the framework of the reformation, changes and new professions in the field of cyber security and information security were added to the state classifier of professions for the first time in many years (now there are 27 of them). In addition, there are plans to create a network of independent qualification centers in Ukraine, where specialists will be able to confirm the level of their knowledge, skills and competencies.


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