The Cyber Security Evaluation Tool (CSET®)/The Cyber Security Evalua on Tool (CSET®) is a software tool for conducting cyber security assessments of enterprise and industrial cyber management systems. The Cybersecurity Assessment Tool is a product of the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) that helps organizations protect their key national cyber assets.

CSET was designed to help asset owners identify vulnerabilities and improve an organization's overall cybersecurity posture by guiding them through a series of questions that represent network security requirements and best practices. The requirements questionnaires presented are based on selected industry standards, general requirements, and network design (or network topology and architecture). CSET includes both general and detailed questions related to all industrial control systems and IT systems.

It is possible to DOWNLOAD the Ukrainian localization version of the program by filling out the application form Online Tutorials and documentation System requirements

LINK to the application form https://forms.gle/Trw2C7upuYSiVj3C6


Online Tutorials Find the latest CSET tutorials on Youtube

Documentation and program releases:


System requirements