The State Intelligence Service conducted training on cyber protection of critical information infrastructure for information security specialists of the state sector

08.08.2023 09:24

Objects of critical infrastructure of Ukraine are one of the main targets of Russian hackers during the war in Ukraine. In order to improve the knowledge of information security specialists and provide practical skills that will help institutions to be effective in building and managing cyber protection, the State Special Communications Service conducted a second educational course for category "B" civil servants.

The educational course program is aimed at managers who directly provide cyber protection in institutions and heads of information security departments. The listeners gained knowledge about the topography of threats, strategies of Russian hackers and measures that allow building cyber defense without unnecessary costs. A lot of attention was paid to building a culture of cyber security in institutions, as well as cooperation in the field of cyber protection with specialized bodies - the State Cyber Protection Center and the Government Computer Emergency Response Team CERT-UA.

The task of the State Special Communications Service is to develop an effective system of cyber protection of state bodies, in particular through the formation of a culture of cyber security and awareness of all specialists, because anyone can be a victim of an attack.

Leading Ukrainian experts shared their knowledge with the employees: representatives of the cyber security entities of Ukraine - State Special Communications, SBU, Cyber Police, as well as - the National Coordination Center for Cyber Security at the NSDC of Ukraine, the Government Computer Emergency Response Team CERT-UA, the State Cyber Protection Center and others specialized specialists.

The training was carried out with the support of the EU project "Support of comprehensive public administration reform in Ukraine" (EU4PAR), the National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service (NADS), as well as the Higher School of Public Administration.

To find out details and sign up for future courses, cyber security specialists of state authorities can contact the State Special Communications Service at the address


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